Module 1 - Mindset
(12 Lessons)
This is where we get your head in the game because if you can't show up there is no point in going any further.
Module 2 - Team
(12 Lessons)
Having a great team is the key to a rocking Salon, Spa or Clinic and unless you know how to find and grow them properly you will continue to struggle - does your current team have your back?
Module 3 - Money
(8 Lessons)
You need to understand your numbers if you are to have an amaZING business.
Module 4 - Sales
(8 Lessons)
In this module I teach you ways to look at solving problems through product and advice that will supercharge your retail sales.
Module 5 - Marketing
(9 Lessons)
This is last because if we don't get the other 3 modules right then any new customers you get will be replacing the lost clients.
ZING Book Club
All of ZING's published articles, we write for around 7 publications each month.
Each week I record a fun video TIP for you to watch.
This is where you can checkout what's going on at ZING and all my other courses and events.
Optional - ZING Digital Book Bundle
All of my books in audio or digital format for you to listen to.
Salon MENTOR Private Facebook Group
Ask questions and I will answer them live every Monday.
(USA EST 4pm)